You could be forgiven for thinking I was encouraging you all to take a 'tablet' for what ever is ailing you, but no, that is NOT the 'tablet' I am referring to. You may have read his post "New Computers, OK....but Windows 8" on our most recent computer upgrade which resulted in me replacing my sick 'laptop' with a very 'big screen' on my desktop, Windows 8, and a 'tablet' that is very portable and very now!
Making this fundamental changeover from a laptop back to a desktop computer was interesting. Having used a laptop in a business application for most of the last 10 years, I felt that I now needed to re-evaluate my needs;

A big screen and a big keyboard
were the major requirements. My posture using a laptop was terrible, I would often find myself in a 'hunched' position and felt very stiff when trying to get up from my chair. The best way to correct this was to sit in a more upright position at the desk and the best way to achieve this was to expand my work-space.
The possible downside of this change was the lack of computer portability. The

'tablet' solves this issue, linked to my desktop, it performs exactly the same functions. From a cost point of view 'shop around', we were able to bundle the whole lot for slightly less than a new laptop.
Two weeks into the new software and hardware technologies, it is all just so comfortable, both ergonomically and technically. No more stiff back or sore neck. Like anything new, there is a period of adjustment and
learning but there is also a sense of achievement when it all settles down and it is the new 'normal'.
Embrace change - it's really good for you!
...and remember...have a fabulous retirementLIFE....