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Take a Holiday - it's good for you!

It's winter and cold, dark and sometimes miserable...enough to give you the "winter-blues"!

Some people may even experience "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or (SAD) a form of depression that hits most people in winter and lifts in the spring. The main reason behind this is the reduced amount of sunlight in the season, compared to summer. Lack of vitamin "D" and sunshine has been linked to depression in a number of studies worldwide. One of the best ways to combat SAD is exposure to vitamin "D" through early morning sunlight.

If the winter blues are knocking at your door, it might be time to leave them behind and chase the sunshine that is so accessible in Australia!

Taking a holiday or break and heading to warmer climates will do wonders for your mental and physical health. Not taking a break and ignoring the "blues" has been linked to poor family life and heightened stress levels. Research has found that women who take regular vacations are also less likely to be tired and depressed compared to those who don't. Holidays can dramatically improve your mental health, anxiety and stress levels. We all need time-out, a break from routine and a holiday is the perfect opportunity to relax our physical and mental selves.

Dutch research published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life revealed that people who take holidays are happier and more relaxed.

Research out of the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan is the US found that travelling in a natural environment is far more relaxing and restorative than travelling in a urban environment. Add to the equation that the abundance of fresh air, plants, daylight and peace and quiet in natural environments have been connected with improving health, healing and well being, and you've got the ticket for a perfect holiday.

Let's get out there, whether it's for a short or long term holiday, have a wonderful time of discovery. He and I were contemplating the purchase of a "camper-van" to hit the road and see this wonderful country before we miss our opportunity. We didn't want to look back in 10 years with any regrets. We recently visited the Retirement Expo and whilst sitting in one of these magnificent holiday van's a man stuck his head in the door and said "I wished I had done this ten years ago!" - well, that's not going to be us!

...and remember...have a fabulous retirementLIFE....

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