As part of nature’s plan to control free radicals; vitamin C is naturally concentrated in the lining of the lungs. This is why it’s a good idea for people with asthma to eat a diet rich in this antioxidant nutrient.
Two large studies, the National Health and Nutrition Examination surveys have found that people who got the most vitamin C in their diets were much less likely to have respiratory diseases including asthma, than those who got the least. And it doesn’t take a lot of Vitamin C to get the required benefits. It is suggest that 200 milligrams a day will go a long way to keeping your lungs strong.
Great sources of Vitamin C are
Citrus fruits, oranges, lemons mandarins etc.
Bell Peppers
Brussel sprouts
Kiwi Fruit
Research also suggests that vitamin E can dramatically lower your risk of asthma. In a large study of 75,000 nurses for example, Harvard University researches found that those getting the most Vitamin E in their diets were 47 per cent less likely to have asthma than those getting least.
The advantage of vitamin E is that it seems to target the free radicals caused by air pollution, one of the leading causes of asthma. In addition vitamin E stimulates the release of chemicals in the body that help to relax muscles, including muscles that make up the airways to the lungs.
As with Vitamin C it does not take a lot of E to get the benefits. Since vitamin E is found mainly in cooking oils and nuts, it is not always easy to get the required amount into the diet. One of the best ways to get the required amount is to add wheat germ to the diet - put it on cereal, add to baked goods.
Great sources of Vitamin E are;
Sunflower seeds
Pine nuts
Dried apricots
Wheat germ
Pickled green olives
My own experience with the onset of Adult Asthma is best described as a "work in progress" from my point of view. My GP issued me with a great deal of puffer drugs, which at this stage I have decided not to ingest. I do cough an awful lot and I believe a lot has to do with my new environment. I am being proactive in making sure I keep warm and my diet includes Vitamins C and E. Exercise is another key factor in keeping the lungs healthy, so a daily walk is imperative.
Hopefully I will adjust to our new climate without the need to take very strong drugs.
....and remember to have a fabulous RetirementLIFE