I've not written for about 6 months - so what's my excuse? We returned from another fabulous cruise adventure last May having sailed the Pacific all the way to Alaska - it was truly a wonderful time from start to finish with memories that will stay with us forever! From our stops in the idyllic South Pacific including beautiful Hawaii to the gorgeous western Canadian port of Vancouver and the pristine wilderness that is Alaska - simply breathtaking! We loved every minute....
But then suddenly we were back home and even though retired we quickly resumed our respective demanding volunteering roles - She as Secretary of an active community based charity supporting children's mental health and Me as Treasurer of our local church - with both consuming increasingly more of our daily and weekly routines. And whilst we've long advocated "volunteering" as a worthwhile pursuit in retirement as a means of staying connected with, and giving back to our community, we also realise that our particular administrative skillsets inevitably land us with more intense roles than a random weekly commitment of four or five hours at a community library, museum or the like!!
With 70 looming fast for me, we now realise it is time to take a breather and spend more time for personal pursuits which will ultimately elude us in old age...without being too dramatic, we recognise our window of opportunity is NOW!

And whilst we have embraced cruising in our retirement years and have loved every minute of it, we have decided in light of the Middle Eastern and North African refugee crises and the mass migration to Europe to stay home for a while. Reluctantly we've cancelled our intended Mediterranean cruise in April/May 2016 - the maiden voyage of ms Koningsdam no less...just recently yet more tragic news of continuing refugee lives lost at sea off Greece. Unconscionable that we should be sailing in "the lap of luxury" with people tragically dying beneath us!!

So as She has so succinctly explained in the preceding article, we've decided to stay at home and explore our own backyard...in our own time and space in the relative comfort of our newly acquired "dreamliner"....Sunliner motorhome. You'll know from previous articles I've shared in the past that this has long been on my radar and I can happily report that the reality is not disappointing! Far from it, the whole experience so far (except for parting with the cost of it!!) has been thoroughly absorbing with so much to
But much of the experience has to do with planning the trips - where to go, where to stay and how far to
travel each day (or not!).
So we look forward to sharing our road trip experiences as we go ....that's the plan ....and we'll be flying
the retirementLIFE logo on our rig so if you see us on the road give us a toot or call us on the CB radio...its being fitted in a few weeks before we tackle the Nullabor as we head off to Perth some 4,000kms away to visit the grandkids!!